
Good Morning everyone.
Happy Saturday! I hope the weekend is a great one for you.
Just a remnder that Max Hamby and the Blood Diamond is 99¢
at all online retailers and the giveaway for the boxed set is still ongoing.
Scroll down to April 7th. It’s easy to enter.
There will be another vignette a little later today.
If you love fantasy as much as I do, then head on over and grab yourself a copy of book 1.
Max Hamby boxed set giveaway:
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Max Hamby series – Renny Scrine

Renny Scrine grew up in a magical family, unfortunately he never developed any magical abilities of his own. He was never treated any less by the Scrine family though,
instead he was encouraged to find something he was truly good at.
It turned out that Renny had a way with animals.  As a young man, he traveled and learned all he could about the creatures and animals he came in contact with.
That’s not to say there weren’t dangerous moments. For instance, there was that one time he encountered a very hungry goblin who had just escaped from an auction at Grimhold
Market or the orgre that wanted nothing more than to squash Renny for waking him up during his mid morning nap. But, it was the gift of friendship from his great grandfather’s bayard, Leofwin, that taught Renny more than he ever thought
possible. Leofwin and Renny’s relationship grew and they are tighter than ever to this day.

Find more in the Max Hamby series.
Books 1 – 5 out now. Boxed set available!

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Blog Updates!
Happy Sunday & Happy Easter, everyone,
I hope the day has been great for you and continues to be so.
The weather has been lovely and the day has been very chill. So grateful.
If you belong to any of the ebook deal sites, liked the MH fan page or twitter, you’ll be seeing Max Hamby and the Blood Diamond in the mix as a 99 cents promo from April 19th through April 24th or 25th. A 3.00 savings and a fantastic deal for a full length novel!
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#art #books #ebooks #read #kindle #fantasy #blog
#adventure #magic

Happy Friday & Updates

Blog Update: Series Pages

Good Morning, lovely people,

It is Friday. The weekend is upon us. Whatever the day or the weekend brings, I hope it is wonderful for you.

Just popping in with a quick bit of news.

Amazon was kind enough to set up a series page for the Max Hamby books and I wanted to share it with you. I thought it was very cool and I love the way it looks. Read more..

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Hmmm, #coffee & Good Morning. 🙂 Time to #write. Have a wonderful day people. May it be good to you and yours. Sending loads of positivity your way. #amwriting #peace #friendship